Type Details

Returns data type details
Returns details about a specified data type, including a description and sample values of the type.
Integrate with ChatGPT
Important: You need an active API key to use this function in ChatGPT.
If you don’t have one, Sign up to receive your first 100 free queries!
If you don’t have one, Sign up to receive your first 100 free queries!
If you have a paid ChatGPT account, follow these steps to create a custom GPT that uses this function:
- Click to create a GPT in a new tab.
- At the bottom of the Configuration tab, click the button Create new action.
This will open a section titled Edit actions screen - Click Authentication
- For Authentication type, select API Key
- Copy your API.is API key:
- To proceed, you need your API key. Log in to API.is to access it
- Paste the key into the API Key input field
- For Auth Type, select Bearer
- Click the Save button
- Copy this URL:
- Paste in the URL and click the Import button
- You should now see an action with the path /v1/types/details/ under Available actions
- For the first time ChatGPT calls it, click Always allow to proceed.
Integrate with any application
Important: You need an active API key to use the API.
If you don’t have one, Sign up to receive your first 100 free queries!
If you don’t have one, Sign up to receive your first 100 free queries!
API.is provides RESTful API endpoints for each function, making integration straightforward for developers familiar with APIs.
- Developer Documentation
- OpenAPI Specifications:
To call this API:
- Include your API key in the request header:
Copied!Note: This shows your personal API key for your convenience. Keep it secure.
- Send a request to the endpoint, for example:
- Here's a full cURL command example you can test:
Refer to the documentation for parameters, response formats and other details.